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Abbot and his associates, presenting a resumé of the Smithsonian's twenty years of work on the sun's radiation and the present status of the investigation of the relation of solar radiation to weather, attracted wide and favorable attention from meteorologists throughout the world; a paper by Doctor Cushman on the foraminifera, which are minute fossil forms used in locating and defining oil strata, has been in constant demand by the oil companies and by universities for training the much needed young oil geologists.

As stated last year, an effort was made to issue two Smithsonian Annual Reports in one year to bring them up to date again. This was accomplished, and the Reports for 1923 and 1924 have both appeared since the last Regents meeting. This is as nearly on time as may be, for it takes many months for these books to go through the press. The contents of the 1925 volume is now made up and the manuscript will go to the printer shortly.

The National Museum issued the usual number of Proceedings papers and several Bulletins, including the monographic work on the Spider Crabs of America, by Mary J. Rathbun, and another of the popular series on Life Histories of North American Birds, by A. C. Bent. The outstanding publication by the Bureau of American Ethnology was the Handbook of the Indians of California, by Kroeber for which there was a large demand.

On motion, the Secretary's report was accepted.


The Secretary submitted the following:

December 10, 1925.

To the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution:

The fifth annual meeting of the National Gallery Commission was held in the Regents' Room, Smithsonian Institution, at 10.00 a.m., December 8, 1925, the following members being present: Gari Melchers, Chairman, W. H. Holmes, Secretary, Herbert Adams, Joseph H. Gest, John E. Lodge, Charles Moore, James Parmelee, Edward W. Redfield, Edmund C. Tarbell, and C.D. Walcott.
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