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J. Mather, Vice Chairman; W.H.Holmes,Secretary; Herbert Adams; James E. Fraser; J.H.Gest; John E. Lodge; Charles Moore; James Parmelee; E.W.Redfield; and Charles D. Walcott, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.

Although the year has been marked by numerous events of interest, the two great lines of prospective development have remained practically dormant - the erection of a gallery building and the increase of the collections.  The meagerness of the offerings of art works is doubtless due in large measure to the well-known fact that exhibition space in the National Museum building is entirely exhausted.

In regard to the War Portrait Collection, the Commission adopted the following resolution:-

RESOLVED; That the National Gallery of Art Commission looks with favor upon the establishment of a National Portrait Gallery (of which the present collection may be regarded as the nucleus) to constitute a separate unit of the collections of the National Gallery.

The Commission, acting as the Advisory Committee on the Acceptance of Art Objects for the National Gallery, offered during the year, accepted the following:- Twenty-one World-War Portrait Sketches, by John C.Johansen (donor unknown); portrait of Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, by August Franzen, N.A.;offered by Horatio S. Rubens;  marble bust of Proserpine, by Hiram Powers, offered by Mrs. George Cabot Lodge.

The Commission reelected the present officers and also the members of the Executive Committee, and recommended the reelection of Gari Melchers, Herbert Adams, and Charles Moore, for the ensuing term of four years. It also recommended that the vacancy caused by the declination of John Russell Pope be filled by the election of Clarence Zantzinger, Architect, of Philadelphia; and in the event of his declination, by the election of Mr. Charles Borie.

On motion, the following resolutions were adopted by the Board of Regents:-

RESOLVED; That the Board of Regents hereby approves the recommendation of the National Gallery of Art Commission that Gari Melchers, Herbert Adams, and Charles Moore, be relected as members of the Commission for the ensuing term of four years, their present terms having expired.

RESOLVED; That the Board also approves the recommendation of the Commission that Clarence Zantzinger, Architect, of Philadelphia, be elected a member of the Commission to fill the vacancy caused by the declination of John Russell Pope; and that, in the event of Mr. Zantzinger's declination, the vacancy be filled by the election of Charles Borie, Architect, of Philadelphia.

A discussion arose in regard to the future of the National Gallery of Art, and Senator Smoot explained existing conditions in regard to the proposed building for the National Gallery.

The question was asked as to how the Smithsonian Institution came to have charge of the National Gallery of Art, and the Secretary, in response, quoted Section 5586 of the Revised Statutes, Title 73, as follows:-

"Whenever suitable arrangements can be made from time to time for their reception, all objects of art and of foreign and curious research, and all objects of natural history, plants, and geological and mineralogical specimens

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