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years in advance, and, thereby, whatever phenomena of weather, radio, etc., that hang thereon.

(Curves showing almost complete dependence of fluctuations of radio transmission on solar variation were passed among the Regents.)

[[underlined]] Publications [[/underlined]]- Dr. Walcott's Cambrian researches were so far committed to writing that a great publication of them can be completed with the aid of a little field work by his colleague, Dr. Charles E. Resser, Associate Curator of Stratigraphic Paleontology, of the National Museum. 

A notable collection of meteorological data, gathered by international cooperation, which will be perhaps the most valuable Smithsonian publication in a generation, is in press.  Its publication is made possible by a grant of $9,000.00, from Mr. John A. Roebling. 

The Third Reprint of the Seventh Edition of the Smithsonian Physical Tables is about to issue. 

The Third Volume of Mrs. Mary Vaux Walcott's "North American Wild Flowers" is in preparation. 


Mr. Delano, who had been requested to visit Detroit in connection with an effort to secure a refund of the tax paid to the State of Michigan by the Executors of the Freer Estate, said that he had no report to make at this time. 


The Acting Secretary referred briefly to the Endowment movement authorized by the Board of Regents in January, 1925; to the excellent campaign of publicity which had gone on under the auspices of Tamblyn x Brown, but under the direct efficient care of Mr. John R. Ellingston; to the culmination of this campaign in the Conference of February 11, 1927; and to his

[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]