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In the opinion of your Committee, the new Secretary when chosen should be surrounded by a little group of men which should constitute what we appropriately call the [[underlined]] general staff[[/underlined]] of the Institution. This group should receive adequate salaries, and in addition dignified retirement pensions. The presidents of our larger universities are now receiving as high as $15,000 to $25,000 per annum, with suitable domiciles and retirement pensions. We must take account of these conditions in seeking the head of the Institution and the members of his staff.

To sum up the recommendations of your Committee, they are as follows:

1. That an effort be made to secure an endowment for the Institution which shall add at least $100,000 per annum to its free and unrestricted funds, and that this sum be expended to maintain the general staff and add to the special research opportunities to be directed by such staff.

 2. That the Committee be continued and authorized to make definite proposals to some man of scientific preeminence to accept the position of Secretary, the nomination to be ratified and approved by a meeting of the Board to be called for the purpose.

3. That the Chancellor of the Board be asked to appoint a special committee of three to five men eminent in the scientific world, to counsel with your Committee in selecting a Secretary, and in formulating more definite proposals for the re-arrangement of the staff.

Other features of recommendations of your Committee, to which allusion has been made, need not be taken up at the present time.

Henry White; approved by letter
Charles F. Choate, Jr; approved by letter
Dwigth W. Morrow
R. Walton Moore
Frederic A. Delano


This matter was brought to the attention of the Board, and after discussion, on motion it was - 

RESOLVED; That the Executive Committee is authorized to withdraw the acceptance of the resignation of Mr. John E. Lodge as Curator of the Freer Gallery of Art, and to defer consideration of the matter of the Curatorship of the Freer Gallery for one year, pending the appointment of a Secretary.
[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]