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The Acting Secretary read a letter from Mr. Robert S. Brookings regretting that illness prevented his attendance, and one from Mr. Irwin B. Laughlin stating that he was unable to be present owing to absence from the City. Vice President Charles G. Dawes, and Mr. Dwight W. Morrow, now ambassador to Mexico, were also absent.


The Acting Secretary announced the death of Mr. Henry White, and Mr.Johnson submitted the following resolutions, which were adopted: –

WHEREAS; The Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, having learned of the death, on July 15, 1927, of the Honorable Henry White, a member of the Board for over ten years, and latterly the Chairman of its Executive Committee; Therefore be it

RESOLVED; That the Board here record an expression of their very sincere regret atthe passing away of their colleague, whose demise is it once a heavy loss to the Institution and a personal sorrow to the members of the Board. Mr. White's distinguished career as a diplomat, which is too well known to be recited here, well fitted him for his duties as a Regent; and his ripened judgment and keen interest in the affairs of the Institution will be greatly missed.

RESOLVED; That a copy of this resolution be transmitted by the Acting Secretary to the family of Mr. White.


The Acting Secretary then announced the death of Mr. Charles F. Choate,Jr., and stated that on behalf of the Board of Regents he had attended the funeral services at Southboro, Massachusetts.

The Chancellor spoke briefly of the high esteem in which Mr. Choate was held by the bar, and the great clearness and fine finish of his arguments before the court.  Mr. Moore also made eulogistic remarks, after which Mr. Newton offered the following resolutions, which were adopted:–

WHEREAS; The Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution having learned of the death, on November 30, 1927, of Charles Francis Choate, Jr., a distinguished leader of the Boston bar for many years, and a Regent of the
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