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strides in transportation of recent times.

"In this connection, a letter has been received through Mr. Delano from the President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company in which he strongly supports the idea of a permanent national transportation exhibition, preferably in Washington, and the matter has also been endorsed by Secretary Hoover".

[[underlined]] "National Historical Maritime Museum. [[/underlined]] In the same connection, I desire to bring to your attention a communication from the Secretary of the Navy, in which, speaking of a recommendation by the Honorable T.V.O'Connor, Chairman if the United States Shipping Board, and by Admiral W.L.Rogers, of the United States Navy, President of the Naval Historical Foundation, the Secretary says:-

'I heartily endorse the proposal of the Naval Historical Foundation to establish a national historical maritime museum under the direction of the National Museum. Should this proposal become effective, I shall be glad to further the transfer of such objects as may be of interest from the Navy Department to the maritime museum'."

"The Secretary of War has also written to endorse this project and to offer the cooperation of the War Department".

"A few days since, Admiral Rogers and Admiral Straus called upon the Acting Secretary about this project, and communicated a paper under date of November 14, 1927, addressed to the Board of Regents, the substance of which paper ( (which is of considerable length and has been placed on file) is as follows:-

'The Naval Historical Foundation desires to urge upon the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution the desirability of forming as a section of the National Museum, a Maritime Museum similar to those of Munich and Greenwich, abroad. Much material in addition to that of the National Museum is available. Appreciating that present quarters are inadequate, the petitioners desire, as the first step towards this end, a favorable resolution by the Board of Regents which would draw public attention to the great need of a large adequate building to house worthily exhibitions relating to the transportation by air, by land, and by water, as well as relating to other useful engineering and industrial arts'.

"In view of this wide-spread interest, the Acting Secretary has had drawn up a form of resolution whose passage by the Board is recommended, as follows:-

RESOLVED: the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution appreciates the great desirability of largely increased exhibition space in the United States National Museum for air, land and marine transportation, and for the industrial arts generally. The Board therefore welcomes cordially any sound
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