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The Acting Secretary stated that Mr. Robert S. Brookings was in Italy; that Mr. Dwight W. Morrow was absent on account of his duties as Ambassador to Mexico; and that Mr. Hughes was unable to attend owing to imperative engagements incident to his trip to Cuba with the President.


After remarks by the Acting Secretary, outlining in general terms the history and purposes of the Research Corporation, he introduced Dr. F. G. Cottrell, who made the original gift ^[[of patent rights]] which resulted in the organization of the Research Corporation.

Dr. Cottrell rehearsed the circumstances which led to the formation of the Corporation. Its original purpose was to develop to the use of the Cottrell and other patents which might be given to it solely to feed research activities at the Smithsonian Institution; but at the suggestion of certain Directors of possible beneficiaries were made to include other research organizations.

At the present time the original Cottrell patents are near expiring, but a body of some 200 others has been built up jointly by the Research Corporation and another organization, so that this development is still amply protected. The net income of the Corporation for the past year was approximately $150,000.

The Directors, finding themselves with a valuable property, are considering the best disposal of its returns.  Dr. Cottrell said that any move should come from them, but that a closer understanding with the Smithsonian Institution would be desirable.

After remarks by the Regents, Mr. Moore introduced the following resolution which was adopted:-

RESOLVED; That the Permanent Committee is requested to consider with the Board of Directors of the Research Corporation what further arrangements, if any, should be made with reference to the matter discussed at this meeting by Dr. F. G. Cottrell, and report at the next meeting of the Board of Regents.
