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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 740 [[/preprinted]] [[preprinted left margin]] MADE BY BAKER-VAWTER CO. [[/preprinted left margin]] AMENDMENTS TO THE FUNDAMENTAL ACT. Senator Smoot then explained the proposed amendments to the Fundamental Act which had received the consideration of the Permanent Committee at a recent meeting. Some minor objections had been raised as to it and certain changes suggested, and in order to meet these, the matter had been reconsidered by a majority of the members of the Committee with its counsel, and the language modified. The Senator then read the proposed changes, and after some further comment, the following resolution was adopted:- RESOLVED; That the amendments to the Fundamental Act, as proposed in Senate Bill No. 1300, and as now modified, be approved by the Board. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion the Board adjourned. [[line]] [[initialed]]CGA[[/initialed]]