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Secretary's Policy until after the presentation of the Permanent Committee's report, and there being no objection, it was so ordered.

The Secretary said that several matters of interest to the Board had come up since the last meeting, and that he would like to present them at this point as follows:

"[[underlined]]Maps[[/underlined]].  I have procured in large editions two kinds of special maps of the world.  They will be sold at cost ($4 per hundred) in connection with the Smithsonian publication "World Weather Records", to promote studies of world meteorology.  Each map shows the 387 stations for which weather records are printed.  The march of weather changes from month to month can be plotted thereon, and this may facilitate real discoveries of means of forecasting.

"[[underlined]]Laws and Resolutions[[/underlined]].  At the suggestion of Mr. Moore, I have collected the statutes and resolutions which define the powers and duties of the Establishment, the Regents, the Secretary, the Executive Committee, and the Permanent Committee.  Copies are at the disposal of the Regents.

"[[underlined]]Research Corporation[[/underlined]].  By invitation of the Directors, I attended the annual meeting of the Research Corporation, which holds the Cottrell patents for precipitating dusts.  The Corporation nearly doubled its business in 1927, and looks forward to great prosperity.  $25,000 was placed in the hands of the Executive Committee for altruistic purposes this year.  I was elected a Director of the Corporation to succeed the late Dr. Walcott.   By invitation of Col. Lewis, Chairman of the Executive Committee, I spent the night at his home in Montclair, New Jersey.  He informed me that the Committee would probably place $15,000 at my disposal for this year, to promote fundamental researches in radiation and plant growth.  Great cordiality was shown by all the Directors towards the Smithsonian.

"[[underlined]]Endowment[[/underlined]].  While in New York, I called by appointment on Dr. Wickliffe Rose, of the Rockefeller General Education Board, and had an hour's conversation with him about the Smithsonian – its work, its strategic position and its

[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]