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Board an authoritative interpretation of the points at issue?"

Senator Smoot here read a letter from Mr. Eugene Meyer in regard to the interpretations to be placed upon the terms of the Freer will.

Mr. Newton then introduced the following resolution: -

"RESOLVED; That a special law committee of the Board, comprising Messrs. Hughes, Robinson, and Moore, be requested to consider the queries propounded by the memorandum of the Acting Secretary, dated May 11, 1927, in connection with the "Material Papers Relating to the Freer Gift and Bequest", and to report thereon to the Board".

A general discussion ensued, in which all phases of the subject were brought out, culminating in a substitute motion by Senator Robinson, as follows: -

RESOLVED; That Senator Smoot be requested to confer with the persons named in the letter read by him, including Mr. Meyer, and ascertain if the proposal embodied in the resolution submitted by Mr. Newton is satisfactory to them; and if not, what proposal they would approve. In the event that Mr. Newton's proposal should be found approved by them, that resolution should then be regarded as the action of the Board.

Without objection, it was so ordered.

The Secretary then added:-

"There is one further matter which I would like to draw to the attention of the Board:-

"On January 27, 1928, I was informed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee that a gift of $40,000 to the endowment of the Smithsonian was announced to him by Mr. Dwight W. Morrow, a Regent of the Institution, in a letter of October 21, 1927. Immediately on being informed of the receipt of this gift, the Secretary, on February 1, 1928, communicated the thanks of the Smithsonian to Mr. Morrow. While undoubtedly the Chairman of the Executive Committee has also done this, I would suggest the propriety of the Board's adopting a suitable resolution of appreciation both for the gift and for Mr. Morrow's great service."

Mr. Newton thereupon submitted the following resolution, which was adopted:-

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