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the Institution has already entered slightly. The many inquiries we answer from Government and people also recommends us to strengthen our staff in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and world meteorology.

[[underlined]] Fifthly - Opportunities Presented by Smithsonian's Relation with Government. [[/underlined]]

"Activities initiated by Smithsonian private funds have in the past developed nine great enterprises of Government, seven of which, though now supported by Government, are still under Smithsonian administration. The Smithsonian is continually addressed by Government for advice and assistance.

"As these intimate relations have been useful to Government in the past, and as no other organization is so uniquely fitted to be similarly useful to Government in the future, and as the present age demands more and more that Government avail itself of science, and set its seal of approval and assistance upon the progress of science, the Smithsonian should seek strongly to promote the scientific activities of Government. Representations should be made for more adequate buildings to contain the National collections, especially the National Gallery of Art, the Zoological Park, and exhibits of transportation and industry; more adequate financial support to scientific work within the Government branches of the Institution and within the Government generally. It may well be that from Smithsonian private initiative in future, as in the past, will develop enterprises to be recognized by Government as essential to the national welfare and progress.

[[underlined]] Sixthly - Activities Dictated by Relations of Public to Science. [[/underlined]]

"As the high civilization and prosperity of the present depend demonstrably on the progress of science, and as this in turn depends on public appreciation and support, the Institution should continue and enlarge its function as a fountain of trustworthy scientific intelligence to all men. This will involve not only the publication of monographs by and for specialists, but the interpretation in precise but non-technical and interesting terms of

[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]