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created as proposed by House Joint Resolution 224, introduced by Representative McSwain, of South Caroline. In order that the resolution, if passed, will cover the entire field to which it is designed to apply, it would perhaps be desirable to designate two or three members of the Board to talk over with Mr. McSwain the expediency of modifying its terms. Mr. McSwain has told me that he is not in a partisan attitude, and is only anxious that there shall be an independent survey of all the facts on which a decision should rest.

I am writing you only because of it being possible that tomorrow morning I may be compelled to attend a committee meeting, and thus be prevented from being at the meeting of the Board of Regents.

Yours very sincerely, 

A very full discussion ensued, including a statement by Admiral Taylor. After further consideration, Mr. Hughes offered the following resolution which was adopted:-

WHEREAS; To correct any erroneous impression derived from published statements that the Smithsonian Institution has denied to the Wright Brothers due credit for making the first successful human flight in power-propelled heavier-than-air craft;

RESOLVED; That it is the sense of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution that to the Wrights belongs the credit of making the first successful flight with a power-propelled heavier-than-air machine carrying a man.


There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion the Board adjourned.

[[signed]] C G Abbot [[signed]]