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After discussion, it was

RESOLVED; That a committee of award be hereby appointed, with the Secretary of the Institution as Chairman, and four others, to be selected by him, who shall be experts in the subject of aviation, to whom shall be referred to the recommendation of Vice President Dawes and Senator Robinson for consideration and report to the Board.


The Secretary gave a history of the steps to date in the matter of the proposed National Museum of Engineering and Industry, reading letters from many of the persons interested, the concensus of opinion of these being that the project was one that should be sponsored by the Federal Government.

A general discussion ensued, including a statement by Assistant Secretary Wetmore, in which the opinion developed that the matter was indefinite at present, and that a specific plan should be prepared before either the Government or private individuals were approached on the subject. 

Finally, Mr. Hughes offered the following resolution, which was adopted:-

RESOLVED; That the whole question of the proposed National Museum of Transportation, Engineering and Industry be referred to the Permanent Committee for further consideration and for recommendation to the Board at a later meeting, as to what should be regarded as the policy of the Smithsonian Institution in this connection.


There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion the Board adjourned.


[[signed]] C G Abbot [[/signed]]