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National Museum for the year were another of Bent's series of "Life Histories of North American Birds", and a monograph on the Collection of Heating and Lighting Utensils in the U. S. National Museum, by Dr. Walter Hough, head curator of anthropology.

The Secretary added that the report had been supplied to the Regents, and on motion, it was accepted.


The following subjects were noted by the Secretary as especially worthy of the Board's attention, and were briefly enlarged upon by him.

[[underlined]] Subject: Policy and Finance [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]1.[[/underlined]] A valuable patent for insecticide has been dedicated and assigned to the Smithsonian.

An offer for its development has been made by the Research Corporation, of New York.

A fuller report on the subject by the Secretary will be presented later in this meeting.

[[underlined]]2.[[/underlined]] Returns of the royalties exceeding $30,000 to the Smithsonian are assured already from advance sales of the Smithsonian Scientific Series.

The first 4 volumes of the Series are about to issue.

[[underlined]]3[[/underlined]] Returns of sales of North American Wild Flowers still exceed $1,000 per month.

[[underlined]] Subject: Improvements and New Buildings [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]4[[/underlined]] Some settling having occurred in the dome of the National Museum, repairs are well advanced.

[[underlined]]5[[/underlined]] The flag tower of the Smithsonian Building is being improved with elevator, and will furnish 8 good office and laboratory rooms heretofore inaccessible.
[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]