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Dr. Holmes announced the purchase by Mr. George Dupont Pratt, as a contribution to the National Gallery, of Thomas Moran's great painting now in the Gallery, entitled "Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone". It was gladly accepted by the Commission.

The Secretary of the Commission called attention to the fact that the terms of four members of the Commission expired on the present date, and on motion, it was

RESOLVED; That the Commission recommends to the Board of Regents the re-election of Daniel Chester French, John E. Lodge, James Parmelee, and Edward W. Redfield as members for the succeeding term of four years.

Dr. Holmes stated that the next order of business was the election of Officers and Committees, and on motion he was directed to cast the ballot for the re-election of the present incumbents. This was done and they were declared duly elected for the ensuing year.

The meeting of the Commission adjourned at 12:30.

Charles Moore, Acting Chairman
W. H. Holmes, Secretary.

On motion the report was ordered filed, and the Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED; That the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution hereby approves the recommendation of the National Gallery of Art Commission that Daniel Chester French, John E. Lodge, James Parmelee, and Edward W. Redfield, be reelected as members of the Commission for the ensuing term of four years, their present terms having expired.


The Secretary presented the report of the Executive Committee showing the financial operations and condition of the Institution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928, stating that it had been sent in printed form to the Regents.
On motion, the Report was received and ordered filed. 

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