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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 785 [[/preprinted]] [[preprinted left margin ]] MADE BY BAKER-VAWTER CO. [[/preprinted left margin]] The function of the National Committee is to study the calendar situation by means of country-wide investigation, and embody its conclusions in a report to be submitted to the Secretary of State, for his use in connection with future international conference on calendar change. Yours being a representative organization in the field of Science, Engineering,and Technology, formal request is made on behalf of the Special Committee whose names appear below, for your opinion as to whether or not the present calendar should be revised, and if changed, how. Will you, therefore, answer the following questions: 1. Do you favor a change or simplification of the present calendar? 2. If so, which principle do you favor; That of 13 months of 28 days each; or that of 12 months, consisting of equalized quarters of 91 days, each with months 30, 30 and 31 days? An explanatory four-page statement is enclosed. It is requested that these questions be placed upon the agenda of your next general meeting for a definite expression. If this involves delay, may we have the considered opinion of your executive board of council. Yours very truly, (Signed) Geo Eastman National Chairman for SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, ENGINEERING, AND TECHNOLOGY [[Line]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Washington, D. C. December 6, 1928 Dear Mr. Eastman: I have you letter on December 1 with enclosures. As requested, I will submit the communication to the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. For myself, I have no enthusiasm for calendar modification. If it is done, I would quite as soon see 13 months of 28 days each as the less radical change. In any case, the national and family dates will lose their significance, and great confusion must be borne, especially by this generation. On the other hand, I greatly deprecate the proposed annual [[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]