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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 789 [[/preprinted]] [[preprinted left margin ]] MADE BY BAKER-VAWTER CO. [[/preprinted left margin]] Regents for the ensuing statuary term of six year from January 22, 1929. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING. The Secretary reported that the minutes of the Annual Meeting of December 13, 1928, had been submitted in typewritten form to the Regents, and that certain suggested amendments had been incorporated therein. On motion, the minutes were approved. STATEMENT OF THE SECERTARY. [[underlined]] Gifts to the Institution. [[/underlined]] The Secretary stated that since the last preceding meeting of the Board, the following principal gifts have come to the Institution:- [[3 column table]] Donor | Amount | Object Hon.Irwin B. Laughlin | $5,000.00 | Endowment Smithsonian Scient.Ser. | $14,454.01 | Unrestricted National Geograph.Soc. | $10,000.00+ | Continuation of S.W.African Obsy. John A. Roebling | $5,000.00 | Researches on sun and stars. John A. Roebling | ($10,000.00)++ | Publication of weather records. Research Corporation | $15,000.00 | Researches on radiation and physiology of plants and animals Vice President Dawes | $10,000.00 | Research in Spain relating to American history and archaeology. Mrs. C.D.Walcott | $2,052.00 | Purchase, for the Smithsonian, of Huntley portrait of the late Secretary Walcott. Rockefeller Foundation | $1,500.00 | Nocturnal radiation experiments of Dr.A.Angstrom, in Switzerland. Mr. Ernest Peixotto | 8 paintings of battle scenes during the world war, painted by Mr. Peixotto while officially detailed to the Western front. [[/table]] + Gift made directly to Dr. C.G.Abbott for cooperation with Smithsonian work at other observatories ++ Indefinite amount sufficient for specified object, but estimated at approximately $10,000.00. [[initialed in left margin]] CGA [[/initialed]]