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Manly's greatest contribution to aviation, however, was the remarkable pioneering type of engine which he designed and successfully constructed.  To this extraordinary feat of genius Mr. Lawrance, President of the Wright Corporation, whose noted "Whirlwind" engine of similar type was used by Colonel Lindbergh in the Spirit of St. Louis, pays the remarkable tribute I have read.

I wish to suggest for the consideration of the Board the following resolution:

RESOLVED:  That contingent upon favorable recommendation by a committee of persons skilled in the art, with whom the Secretary is authorized to confer, the Board authorizes the award of the Langley Gold Medal for Aerodromics posthumously to Charles Matthews Manly, for his investigations in the science of aerodromics, and especially for his successful pioneering design and construction of the light multicylinder radial gas engine.

After discussion, Senator Smoot offered the following resolution which was adopted:

RESOLVED:  That a committee of three be appointed by the Chancellor to examine into the proposal submitted by the Secretary, and to report to the Board at its next meeting.

[[underlined]] National Museum Field Work, etc. [[/underlined]]

The Secretary then introduced Dr. Wetmore, who gave a brief report on the various expeditions now being carried on by the National Museum.  He also spoke of the proposed Reptile House at the National Zoological Park.

Dr. Wetmore further drew attention to the resolutions introduced in the Senate by Senator Copeland and in the House by Representative Fish, to set up a Commission to examine the question of the establishment of a National Museum of Engineering and Industry.  He brought out that National Museum is
[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]