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Smithsonian Institution   823

"Especially notable, I may remind you, are the receipt of the Gellatly Collection for the National Gallery of Art; the preparation of offices and laboratories in the tower and basement of the Smithsonian building, and the inauguration therein of the new Division of Radiation and Organisms; the publication of four volumes of the Smithsonian Scientific Series, and the near completion of the remaining eight volumes, soon to issue; the receipt of considerable gifts of funds from private sources for promoting specific projects. These include $34,000 from Mr. John A. Roebling for observations and publications relating to radiation and meteorology; $25,000 from the Research Corporation to promote the Division of Radiation and Organisms, just referred to; $10,000 from Ambassador Dawes to promote the historical researches in Spain; and a valuable patent on insecticides given by Messrs. Siegler and Popenoe, which bids fair to be very remunerative. This is being  developed under agreement with the Research Corporation of New York. We are advised also of a bequest from the late Dr. William Rollins of Boston, to promote fundamental experiments in physics and chemistry, amounting to $75,000 or more.

"Several new projects are suggested:

"1. We asked in the estimates for 1931 a one-step increase of salaries, generally through the Government bureaus under the Smithsonian direction. Our people though technically expert stand thirtieth of 33 Government services in average compensation. The one-step increase asked has been disallowed by the Bureau of the Budget. I would like the opinion of the Congressional Regents whether it is wise to try for it at this session of Congress.
(The Regents indicated their approval of the suggestion.)

"We understand that the President favors extensive work on necessary Government projects. I recommend to the Congressional Regents especially careful consideration whether this may be the time to put forward the building program for the National Museum and Zoological Park."