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exhibit of Ranger pictures was for the purpose of allowing examination with a view to such selection.

In regard to the William Rollins Bequest, the Secretary gave the following summary of the terms imposed by the donor:


Miriam and William Rollins Fund "For Exploration Beyond the Boundary of Knowledge"

"I direct that no part of the money shall ever be used except for pushing forward the bounds of physics and chemistry."

"The most difficult problems."

"Money must [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] be used for [[underlined]] mathematical [[/underlined]] playing with symbols, but for [[underlined]] experiments [[/underlined]] with the mother stuff of the Universe to find how to handle its manifestations for the benefit of man."

First of all:

"For experiments to confirm those I made that showed that the light medium was dragged by a magnetic field."

"For experiments to prove my statements that matter and electricity are forms of the primal stuff."



Eighty dollars a month to F. C. Saure during his lifetime.

After his death "interest on whole fund for five years to confirm my experiments on the drag of the light medium in the magnetic field."

After five years one-half the income to be added each year to the principal." 

[[underlined]] "Forever [[/underlined]] the other half to be used for experiments."
