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by Senator Smoot and in the House of Representatives by Mr. Albert Johnson.
During the past summer, the Civil Service Commission had issued another Circular (No. 62) reciting the loss to the Government by the arbitrary retirement on August 20, 1930, of employees of eminence in research work, and stating that the Commission had addressed a letter to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Civil Service, recommending the following amendment to Senate Bill No. 15:

"Except that in special cases where the head of the department, branch, or independent office concerned, certifies, and the Civil Service Commission agrees, that the continuance of the employee would be advantageous to the public service, further extensions of two years may be granted."

Unless some amendment providing for special exceptions is incorporated in the proposed new retirement act, the following members of the Smithsonian staff must be retired during 1930:

Dr. William H. Holmes, Director of the National Gallery of Art, who will have served 56 years under the Government.

Dr. Leonhard Stejneger, Head Curator of the Department of Biology, who will have served 46 years with the Government.

Dr. J. E. Benedict, Assistant Curator in charge of Biological exhibits, 44 years.

Wm. H. Blackburne, Head Keeper of the National Zoological Park, 40 years.

Twelve trained and useful employees with periods of service varying from 16 to 46 years.

A total of 16.


The ninth Annual Meeting of the National Gallery of Art Commission was held in the Regents' Room of the Smithsonian Institution at 10:15 o'clock, December 10, 1929. The members present were: Mr. Gari E. Melchers, Chairman, and Messrs. Herbert Adams, Charles Borie, Jr., James E. Fraser, J. H. Gest, Frank J. Mather,Jr., Charles Moore, James Parmelee, E. W. Redfield, E. C. Tarbell, and Dr. Charles G. Abbot, ex-officio.

[[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]