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in New York had been prepared and that he would be glad to supply the members of the Commission with them.

After discussion, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED; That a Committee consisting of Dr. Abbot and Mr. Melchers be appointed to prepare a formal acknowledgment of appreciation and thanks to Mr. Gellatly for his generous gift.

The Ranger Exhibit was very fully discussed and the matter of voting to select certain of the paintings for the National Gallery of Art was taken up. It was the sense of the meeting that members of the Commission should make their inspection of the exhibit entirely as individuals and that each member should be regarded as giving his personal expression of opinion in regard to the selection at this time. It was also decided that these votes should be regarded as stricly confidential. The Commission felt also that it would not be advisable to communicate these votes to the Council of the Academy of Design.

After further discussion of matters of interest to the Commission the Temporary Secretary stated that the next order of business was the election of Officers and Committees, and on motion he was directed to cast the ballot for the re-election of the present incumbents. This was done and the chairman then declared them duly elected for the ensuing year.

The Temporary Secretary called attention to the fact that the terms of four members of the Commission expired on December 14th, and on motion the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED; That the Commission recommend to the Board of Regents the re-election of the following members:--Messrs. W. K. Bixby, William H. Holmes, Herbert L. Pratt and Charles Borie, Jr., for the succeeding term of four years.

[[signed]] C G ABBOT [[/signed]]