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The remaining members of the Committee had given consideration to the recommendation, and in view of the important service rendered aviation by Mr. Manly in the development of the gasoline engine for airplanes offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

RESOLVED; That in view of the service rendered to aviation by his pioneer contributions to the development of the airline engine, the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution hereby posthumously awards to Langley Gold Medal for Aerodromics to the late Charles Matthews Manly.

Senator Robinson then called attention to a previous suggestion that the Langley Gold Medal be awarded to Commander Richard E. Byrd,U. S. N. for his achievements in connection with his pioneer flight to the North Pole. Since then he had won additional recognition throughout the world by his difficult pioneer flight over the South Pole. Commander Byrd's non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean also added to his fame as an aviator. In view of his achievements, he wished now to renew his suggestion that this medal be awarded to him.

After discussion, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED; That the Langley Gold Medal for Aerodromics be awarded to Commander Richard Evelyn Byrd, U. S. N., for his pioneer flights over the North and South Poles of the earth, his non-stop flights over the Atlantic Ocean, and the scientific discoveries with these flights.


Mr. Moore here observed that there is not in existence an adequate biography of James Smithson. The Secretary mentioned those which have been published and suggested that the preparation of a thoroughly satisfactory one would involve a large expenditure on account of the obscurity of sources of information.

Mr. Moore said he was not asking any formal action, but would like to have the Secretary keep the matter in mind.

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