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[[preprinted]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 839 [[/preprinted]] [[preprinted left margin]] MADE BY BAKER-VAWTER CO. [[/preprinted left margin]] Commission, and ask the Secretary and Assistant Secretary to attend. PUBLICITY AND SUPPORTING MEMBERSHIP. The Secretary said that this matter had been referred to the Permanent Committee with power to act; and requested Mr. Delano to advise the Board in this connection. Mr. Delano stated that the matter had been considered by the Permanent Committee, since when he had been trying to work out a plan which would meet various objections and suggestions. At present he could only report progress. In this connection, he had made inquiries as to the methods pursued by other museums and libraries, and hoped later to be able to present a plan which would meet the approval of the Board. COMPULSORY RETIREMENT. The Secretary said that the Retirement Act of July 3, 1926, as construed by the Civil Service Commission, provides that any employee who has been continued in the service beyond the age of retirement for four or more years, shall, on August 20, 1930, be forthwith retired. There are a few employees in the several Departments and Bureaus having expert knowledge and special qualifications for their duties, being physically able and willing to remain in the service, whose continuance would be advantageous to the public service. To enable the Departments concerned to retain the services of such employees, the following amendment to the pending bill(Senate Bill No.15) is proposed:- Sec.4. Section 2 of said Act of July 3,1926, as amended, is amended by striking out the period at the end thereof and inserting a comma, and the following - "except that where the head of the Department or establishment certifies that by reason of expert knowledge and special qualifications the continuance of the employee would be advantageous to the public service, further extensions of two years may be granted". The above amendment, it was understood, has the approval of the Civil Service Commission, the Bureau of Efficiency, the Chairman of the Senate Civil [[initialed]] CGA [[/initialed]]