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Moore, E.W.Redfield and Dr.Charles G. Abbot.

The minutes of the previous Annual Meeting were submitted and adopted, and the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Commission reviewing the activities of the Gallery for the calendar year 1930 was also read and accepted.

The manuscript of a comprehensive catalogue of the portrait collections of the Smithsonian Institution and its several departments, prepared by Secretary Holmes, was placed before the Commission for inspection. 

After examination, a portrait of Commodore Stephen Decatur, attributed to Gilbert Stuart, bequeathed to the National Gallery by the late William Decatur Parsons; and an enamel watch by Moulinie & Legandroy, Geneva, Switzerland, bequeathed to the Institution by Miss Charlotte Arnold H. Bryson, were accepted. 

Mr. Gari Melchers,Chairman; Mr.Frank J. Mather,Jr.,Vice-Chairman, and Dr.William H. Holmes, Secretary of the Commission, were reelected for the ensuing year. The reelection to membership in the Commission for the succeeding term of four years, of Herbert Adams, Gari Melchers, and Charles Moore, was recommended to the Board of Regents. 

On request of the Commission, Mr. Fraser presented a somewhat lengthy report on the activities of the National Academy of Design insofar as they relate to possible additions to the National collections. The paper was fully discussed and a resolution of thanks to Mr. Fraser was passed.

Mr. Herbert Adams made a statement regarding the scheme of the American Sculpture Society for the celebration of the Washington Bi-Centennial Celebration in 1932 in Washington, which involved exhibitions in connection with the Smithsonian Institution. Mr. Moore stated that a letter relating to these plans would probably be sent to the Institution by the Bi-Centennial Commission, and Dr. Abbot observed that the Institute would await such a letter with interest.