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rigid economy to support himself upon the income arising from the aforesaid annuity. 

I understand, indirectly, from Dr. Abbot, the Director of your Institute that, as the objects of art were given by Mr. Gellatly and accepted by your Institute prior to my marriage, nothing can be done in the matter unless Mr. Gellatly himself requests a re-consideration of his additional gifts and this, he has informed Dr. Abbot, he does not propose to do. 

I have no doubt, however, that this Honorable Board will agree that it is neither equitable nor in the public interest that either Mr. Gellatly or his immediate family should be pauperized in order to satisfy his inordinate vanity, and I feel quite certain that the additional objects of art purchased by him since June 6,1929, and accepted by your Institute in August,1930, would not have been accepted by you had you been acquainted with the facts. It must be equally true that, under the circumstances, a re-consideration of your acceptance of the additional gifts is the only just and proper course to pursue. 

I shall be glad to present, or have presented, to your Board, or a sub-committee of the same, at such time as you may name any further information that I have bearing upon this matter, and I would suggest that you communicate with me in care of my brother, Mr. Richard P. Whiteley, 2229 Bancroft Place, N.W.,Washington, D.C.

Thanking you for your careful consideration of this petition, I am

Very respectfully yours,

Charlyne Whiteley Gellatly.

After full discussion, it was the sense of the Board that the Secretary, on behalf of the Board, inform Mrs.Gellatly that the matter had been presented to the Board, which, after consideration, did not find it had the authority under present circumstances to deal with the matter as suggested. 

The following letter was sent by the Secretary:-

December 12,1930

Dear Madam:

In reply to your communication of December 4th, I am directed by the Board of Regents to inform you that at its meeting held on December 11th, your statement of December 4th was read in full and considered.
After full discussion it was the sense of the Board that the circumstances do not justify the Smithsonian Institution in dispossessing itself of any of the objects which have been given to the Institution by Mr. John Gellatly, or in forcing back upon Mr. Gellatly gifts which he has repeatedly and emphatically stated that he does not desire to recall. 

Very respectfully yours,


Mrs.Charlyne Whiteley Gellatly,
c/o Mr. Richard P. Whiteley,
2229 Bancroft Place,N.W.,
Washington, D.C.

[[underlined]] The Abney Bequest. [[/underlined]] The Secretary placed before the Board the copy of the following clause in the will of Mrs.Mary Lloyd Pendleton Abney.