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the following bequest is made:-

[[underlined]] Clause [[/underlined]]. Seventh - To the National Gallery, at Washington, District of Columbia, heretofore known as the Corcoran Gallery. I give and bequeath the four Key family portraits said to[[strikethrough]]m[[/strikethrough]] have been painted by Peter Lilly and Godfrey Kneller, to wit, portraits of Mrs.John Zouch (Lady Zouch), Michael Arnold, Ann Arnold, wife of Michael Arnold and daughter of Thomas Knipe, and Susan Gardner, the mother of John Ross; and I give and bequeath also the portrait of Mary Taylor Lloyd, wife of my grandfather, Francis Scott Key, painted by Godfrey Kneller, and her miniature, painted by Robert Field, the Key table and two chairs which were used by Francis Scott Key, the Lloyd mahogany table and four old chairs and old knocker from the Francis Scott Key house, which was at Georgetown by the Arlington Bridge, now known as the Key Bridge. * * * *

(Note by executrix)- Mrs. Abney, while,living, donated and delivered to others,the furniture mentioned in Clause SEVEN; and the "old knocker" was not found among her effects. 

The Secretary said that Mrs. Jane F. Brice, the Executrix, was not disposed to recognize the right of the Institution or the United States in the matter, and that a discussion in the presence of counsel and a considerable correspondence had been carried on.  The last letter from the Institution proposed a compromise suggested by Mr. Delano to the effect:-

"The National Gallery to abandon all interest in the bequest save that when the last of those of Mrs.Abney's generation who have an interest in the miniature by Field shall have passed away, it alone shall come to the National Gallery".

In reply to this, the Secretary had received from Mrs.Brice the following letter:-

"January 28, 1931

"Replying to your letter of the 26th instant, while I do not admit that the National Gallery has any claim under the bequest in Mrs.Abney's will, I will nevertheless say that I would not consider the 'compromise' you suggest under any circumstances.

Very truly yours,

Jane F.Brice, Executrix".

After discussion, the Board was of the opinion that though it was indisposed to waive the rights of the United States in the bequest, so far at least as concerns the miniature by Field, it should take no action at this time, but should await any further recommendation of the Permanent Committee to which the matter had been referred by the Board.