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[[underlined]] Death of Dwight W. Morrow - His Bequest [[/underlined]]. - The Secretary said that the Regents were aware of the death of Senator Morrow on October 5,1931. He had been a Regent of the Institution for nearly five years when his membership on this Board was terminated automatically by his induction, on December 3, 1930, as a Senator from New Jersey.  Proper action in regard to the Institution's feeling in regard to his death was taken by the Acting Secretary during the Secretary's absence abroad, and a card of acknowledgment was received from his family. Mr. Morrow was much interested in the Smithsonian Institution, an interest he showed in a practical manner by his donations and his bequest to the Institution.  It is fitting that the Board of Regents should take appropriate action in this connection.

After remarks by various Regents, Mr. Moore offered the following resolutions which were adopted:-

WHEREAS; Death has removed from his career of usefulness to our country and the world, the late Dwight W. Morrow, Senator from New Jersey, and

WHEREAS; During his too brief service as a Regent of the Smithsonian Institution - from January 7,1926, to December 3, 1930 - Mr. Morrow gave unstintedly of his time and counsel to promote the vital interests of the Institution, and inaugurated movements of exceptional value to it, and

WHEREAS; By generous gifts during his lifetime and by a large unconditional bequest he has greatly increased the endowment of the Institution, Therefore

RESOLVED; That the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution hereby expresses its profound sense of loss to the Nation and to the Institution in the passing of Senator Morrow; and be it further

RESOLVED; That these resolutions be spread upon the Minutes of the Board, and that a copy be sent, with an expression of our deepest sympathy, to the family of Mr. Morrow.

The Secretary added that a letter had been received from the Bankers Trust Company of New York, one of the executors, stating that the legacy of $100,000.00 would be paid to the Institution in June, 1932, without waiting for the expiration of the legal time limit usual in the settlement of estates.

[[underlined]]Death of John Gellatly[[/underlined]]. The Secretary stated that Mr. Gellatly died November 8, 1931.  The funeral took place on November 10, in Washington, and