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balance of $52,587.20 as the net bequest to Institution.

The Secretary then announced that the First Arthur Lecture will be given on January 27, 1932, by the distinguished astronomer, Dr.Henry Norris Russell, of Princeton University.

[[underlined]] Refund of Income Tax to Freer Estate. [[/underlined]] At the Special Meeting of May 29, 1930, the Secretary mentioned that the matter of the refund of the income tax of $16,000.00 to the Freer Estate was under consideration. He was glad to state now that recently the Institution had received a check for the gross sum of $25,975.54 in this connection. From this, $6,493.89 was paid in expenses of the negotiations, leaving a net sum of $19,481.65 as the amount accruing to the Freer Fund.

[[underlined]] Dr. Clark's Work in Spain [[/underlined]]. The Board has been informed the through the generosity of Ambassador Charles G. Dawes, Dr. Charles Upson Clark has been engaged for over two years in conducting researches in European archives, the special objective being a search for early native and Spanish documents relating to the Indians of the period of the Conquest, or earlier.

This work has been completed, and has resulted in the acquirement of records of the highest importance to archeological science. One of the most valuable of these records is a voluminous manuscript of the early seventeenth century, written by Vasques de Espinosa, entitled "Descripcion de las Indias", which is an account of the native tribes and countries of South America, Middle Africa, and the West Indies.

The Secretary added that the matter collected by Dr. Clark was being prepared for publication, though at this time there was no money in sight for this purpose. He hoped, however, that at some future time means might be secured to put this valued matter in press.

[[underlined]] Smithsonian Scientific Series. [[/underlined]] The Secretary said that royalties were being received from the sale of this Series. These now totaled $53,510.46 in cash, with sums to accrue from sales already made which would raise the