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material, some of which will be mounted for exhibition, while a part will remain in the study series.

Norman H. Boss continued investigations in the fossil quarry near Hagerman, Idaho, obtaining fossil horse remains in unusual quantity. The deposit is the one previously worked for two seasons by the late Dr.James W. Gidley. This year's collecting resulted in 5 complete skeletons, 32 skulls and 49 jaws.

W.F.Foshag, operating in Mexico and California, under the Roebling Fund, although hampered by illness, made valuable collections which include much showy and instructive exhibition material.

Dr.R.S.Bassler, working in England, Frace, Austria, and Hungary, under the Frank Springer Fund, secured many valuable specimens of fossil echinoderms for the Springer Collection, and, incidental to this, considerable important stratigraphic and biological material hitherto lacking in the study series of fossils.

Dr.Charles E.Reeser, continuing his researches upon the Cambrian, visited a number of European countries where he studied the Cambrian collections, made collections in the field, and also secured good exchanges for the Museum.

The Department of Biology has secured a 1200-pound ocean sunfish which was cast ashore on the coast of New Jersey. Three men of the staff were detailed to go to the place to take care of the carcass, including taking necessary measurements, skinning and preparing the hide, and making plaster casts of various parts with a view to eventually mounting the specimen for exhibition.

Several notable accessions have been received, among them the final installment of the collections made by the E.G.Holt expedition of the National Geographic Society, to the boundary region between Brazil and Venezuela, donated by the National Geographic Society.