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September 5th., 1944.

Dear Léger:

It gives me pleasure to advise you that the painting is sold at the price of $4500., to be paid for in the course of the month of March 1945. I duly received at the time your telegram from Rouses Point dated July 29th., reading as follows: "ACCEPTE TIERS POUR 4500 ET JE DONNE 26 POURCENT POUR 4000", from which I was glad to see that you had accepted my suggestion of 33-1/5% as sales commission to my firm, should I sell the picture for the price of $4500.

As I believe I explained to you in one of my previous letters, in order to have elbow room for my negotiations I had first to know whether you would accept $4000., had I not been able to obtain a better figure. As I also think I told you previously, I consider this man's word and credit excellent so that I had no hesitation to accept his terms.

I do want you to know that this sale means much to me as I really consider this painting one of the great pictures of our period, and though I was disappointed at the time that the Museum of Modern Art did not seem keener about it, it turned out for the best.

Now I would like you to let me know as quickly as possible when you expect to be back in New York, as should you still have them, I would like to show a client who did not have an opportunity of seeing the
