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April 13th., 1944.

Dear Mr. Jewell:

Within the next day or so, you will receive a formal invitation to my forthcoming exhibition of Fernand LEGER's "PLONGUERS" - the first to show the complete evolution, from the early sketches to the final painting - opening on the 19th.

However, I thought I would drop you this note telling you that the paintings, watercolors, etc., are already hanging, and if you wish to drop in before the official opening, you will find everything in readiness.

As I have not held an exhibition in several years, I have unfortunately not had the pleasure of seeing you in quite some time, and would appreciate it if you would ask for me and thus give me a chance to say "hello" should you come in.

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Séligmann)

Edward A. Jewell, Esq.,
The New York Times,
229 West 43rd. St.,
N.Y. 18, N. Y.

Above letter also sent to Mr. Cortissoz
Mr. McBride
Miss McCausland
Miss Genauer

Letters consisting of first two paragraphs of the above, sent to:
Mr. Countryman - P.M.
Mr. Schilling - Bklyn Daily Eagle
Mr. Leslie Sloper-- Christian Science Monitor
Miss Jean Harmon - N. Y. Post
Melville Upton - The Sun
Carlyle Burroughs- Herald Tribune
Howard Devree - N. Y. Times.