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March 24th., 1944.

Dear Léger:

This letter is just to confirm our conversation of today by which I expressed to you my desire of taking advantage of our arrangement, by purchasing the two "études" for "Les Saltimbanques" instead of some of the drawings and/or gouaches which I purchased from you as per our previous conversations, confirmed by my letter of February 15th.

You had given me for these two "études" the prices of Four Hundred ($400.) for the gouache, nd Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.) for the drawing, which meant that I could purchase them for the sum of Three Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars ($325.). In exchange, as agreed, I am releasing the two drawings -

7269 "Etude pour'les Plongeurs'"
7270 "Etude pour'les Plongeurs - Baigneuses'"

purchased at One Hundred Dollars ($100.) each, and the large gouache - 

7263 "Esquisse pour partie d'un projet de tableau 'Les Plongeurs' - non executé"

purchased at One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.). There is, from these figures, a difference of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.) in your favor, which of course, we will forget about. I am putting the following selling prices on these drawings and gouache - they are the ones you quoted me originally, and I surmise they will have your approval:

2 drawings ........... $200. each
gouache............. $300.

As regards the study for "Les Perroquets", as soon as I will have seen it on Monday, in its new setting, I will give you my decision.

I am truly delighted to be the owner of the two studies for "Les Saltimbanques", as I really find them superb!

May I ask you to be good enough to let me have the available negatives of the pictures which we will exhibit here, as I want to prepare a certain number of prints, should the Press want some.

With best regards,
Sincerely yours,
(Germain Séligmann)

Fernard Léger, Esq.,
326 East 42nd. Street,
New York 17, New York.