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March 6th., 1944.

Dear Mr. Vaughan:

May I post you now about an exhibition of works by FERNAND LEGER, which is going to be held at my galleries from April 19th., to May 6th.

The appended note will give you the scope of this show.

FERNAND LEGER being the foremost artist of this particular modern movement in America today - Braque and Picasso having remained in France - you will certainly find this exhibition of special interest.

Should you wish any further information, I would be only too pleased to hear from you.

If I do not have the privilege of seeing you before, I trust you will come in to the preview, to which you will, of course, receive an invitation.

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Malcolm Vaughan, Esq.,
412 East 50th. Street,
New York 22, N.Y.