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March 1st., 1944.

Dear Mr. Crowninfield:

You will be interested to read, I feel certain, that I have just organized an exhibition, to be held at my galleries from April 19th., to May 6th., of the whole evolution of Fernard Léger's three dimensional "Plongeurs".

I don't know whether you would care to publish anything about it in Vogue-Vanity Fair, but I am enclosing a note on this topic, as well as a photograph, should you be able to use it.

Looking forward to seeing you at the time on the opening of the exhibition, and with personal regards,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Frank Crowninshield, Esq.,
Vogue-Vanity Fair,
420 Lexington Avenue,
New York 17, New York.