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listed in Article 72 or Zoological laboratories in any other place in the Archipelago of Colon shall pay all the expenses for the erection of the buildings that are necessary, and also all the equipment for study and work, and also the salaries and daily expenses that are fixed for the fishing wardens and technical employees, including all additional expenses made necessary. It is specifically set forth here that none of the activities of the members belonging to the scientific institution, or to any of its subsidiaries, shall be of a commercial moneymaking character. Indeed they must all be of a definitely scientific character. 

To whomever wishes to ask authority to capture forbidden specimens.

Art. 990.-When a scientific association or an association for capturing specimens alive whose hunting and fishing has been forbidden, wishes to preserve in zoological parks living specimens, it may ask the Department authorization for the capture, it being always understood that this would be an exceedingly limited number, three at most, and only for definite scientific ends.