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^[[Mr. leap has smooth original and carbon of this memo]]
^[[Rough Draft.]]
[[underlined]] ^[[Graf has [[smooth?]] draft]] [[/underlined]]


March 26, 1941

The idea of a field laboratory in the Galapagos Islands for the study of their remarkable plant and animal life and their environment, as well as the biology and physical oceanography of adjacent waters, is not a new one. It has been discussed many times by scientific workers in this and other countries, including the Republic of Ecuador. With the support of the United States government, the Smithsonian Institution seeks the sympathetic and active cooperation of the Republic of Ecuador for the establishment of such a research laboratory.

The Smithsonian Institution will provide the necessary laboratory, its resident personnel and accessory buildings, provide for their maintenance and equipment, and provide such boats as may be needed for the proper conduct of the projected stud^[[ies]]. Beyond the necessary resident staff, paid for and furnished by the Smithsonian Institution, it is contemplated that a limited number of properly accredited scientists from both countries will be enabled by their respective governments to undertake approved scientific investigations in the Galapagos Islands. ^[[as the laboratory became better established and its facilities adequate for the purpose.]]

In any case, free accommodations (food and lodging) will be provided at the laboratory for one scientific investigator ^[[from Ecuador]] whose personal compensation or emoluments would, however, be provided from Ecuadorian sources. This investigator is to be designated by a committee composed of representatives of the scientific faculties of the several universities of Ecuador or such other scientific organization as may be [[strikethrough]]designated[[/strikethrough]] set up for the purpose]] by the government of Ecuador.