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interference by man or beast;

(h) shall, during the life of this agreement only, invest the Snithsonian Institution with full power and authority ^[[at its option]] to enforce the existing laws and license requirements governing the Galapagos Islands wild life should occasion arise; and shall agree that the right of any individual or group of individuals, institution, or organization to collect in the Galapagos Islands under license from the Government of Ecuador must also have, during the life of this agreement, the approval of the Smithsonian Institution before it is effective or valid;

(i) shall permit or have permitted, through proper authorization whenever necessary from other departments of the Government of Ecuador, the importation into the Galapagos Islands, free of duty or fee whatsoever, of all material or property of the Smithsonian Institution (Government of the United States of America) which may be required for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the aforementioned research and branch laboratories, vessels, boats, and other equipment, apparatus, and appurtenances [[strikethrough]]xxxxx[[/strikethrough]] thereof; and this exemption from duties or fees upon importation shall extend to the personal property of employees and their immediate families of such laboratories, vessels, boats, and other equipment upon their entry into the ports of Ecuador for [[strikethrouhg]]workf[[/strikethrough]] work in carrying out the purposes of this cooperative agreement, provided that such personal property of such employees and their families is not imported for resale.

Article II

The Smithsonian Institution of the United States of America, under authority granted by the Congress of the United States of America,