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^[alternative (e) ]

(e) shall provide free of charge necessary office space and laboratory facilities at the central or base laboratory establishment for two scientists to be designated at its option by the Government of Ecuador for conducting investigations on a basis of equality with the scientific workers designated by the Smithsonian Institution; provided that the salaries and living accommodations (board and lodging on a pro rata basis) for such scientists shall be furnished by the Government of Ecuador.

Article III

The lands, facilities, and services furnished by the Government of Ecuador shall be suitable and adequate for the purposes of this agreement. 

Exclusive of the salaries of the scientists and resident personnel designated by the Smithsonian Institution, the Institution shall not be obligated to expend an amount in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000) during any one year. The first year shall begin on the day of the entry into effect of this agreement.

^[[Handwritten, circled: This is made last article]]

Article IV

This Agreement shall come into effect on the day on which it is signed, and shall remain in force until six months from the day on which either contracting government shall have given notice in writing to the other contracting government of its intention to terminate the agreement; provided, however, that the agreement shall not remain in force after June 30, 194 [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[?]], ^[[in margin: ?/?]] except at the option of the Smithsonian Institution of the United States of America, which option shall be notified to the Government of Ecuador by the Government of the United States of America at least one month prior to that date.