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Housing, including base laboratory and perhaps secondary establishments on Indefatigable and James Islands.....$4,000.00
Furniture and fixtures....1,200.00
Shelters for meteorological instruments .......1,200.00
Cheaper shelters could be constructed, but it is believed that these should be small cabins which would furnish shelter for the observers in case of necessity. This might be particularly desirable at the highest of the four proposed stations, stop the central people of Indefatigable, if it were used as a "spotting" center.

Laboratory equipment, including storage batteries and wiring for meteorological shelters and instruments, $100........2,500.00

Pressure tanks, piping, etc. for water supply, drainage system....1,200.00
^[[?]] Pier, dock, and harbor facilities. .. . . . . .3,000.00
Camping equipment for field parties.........500.00
^[[?]] Power boat and skiff.....................1,000.00
Subsistence, four men per year at $1.00 per day.............1,500.00
Miscellaneous.............. 500.00
^[[?]] Personnel.  The Museum could perhaps furnish from its present staff, temporarily at least, a supervisor or director for the first six months or year, and likewise an ornithologist. If the supervisor is in the field any considerable length of time a substitute should be furnished the office from which he is taken, $3200.  In addition, there should be an assistant with a general knowledge of oceanographic practice and methods, $3200. If radiosonde experts are provided by the Institution they should receive a salary of $2400.00 each. Upon proper representations by the Institution and the Navy Department, the Weather Bureau might cooperate to the extent of the salaries of those experts if the Institution were to furnish their transportation and subsistence in return for their help with the meteorological observations.

Salaries might total.................13,000.00
If undertaken for the last six months of the current fiscal year only, this amount would be halved. The following year the total estimates would be substantially reduced, as the permanent installations would have been set up.          ____________