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I hope the American Museum will make an effort to get your article out before the close of the year.  It should appear in '35.  I felt rather miffed with the National Geographic Society, not only because they turned down my article and yours, but because they overlooked a really wonderful opportunity of commemorating the anniversary of an epoch-making voyage.  Their excuse for turning me down was that there had been too much notoriety in connection with the islands recently, but I felt it was a rather poor excuse, for the scientific end of it transcended everything else.  In England, the British Association held commemorative exercises because of this hundredth anniversary.  Yes, the Nature Magazine article is largely that which I had offered the Geographic Society, but much reduced.  I had made considerable mention of the findings that you and Swarth had made regarding the origin of the Galapagos fauna, but all that was cut out for want of space.

You are certainly a good scout, and I wish that I could go to the Galapagos with you one of these days.

If I were you, I would prod the American Museum regarding your article, in view of the year in which it should appear.

All good wishes to you.


[[handwritten]]WS. [[/handwritten]]

Waldo L. Schmitt, Curator
WLS:LMc  Division of Marine Invertebrates.