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Things to do
[[underlined]] Serological [[/underlined]] (=Biological)
[[Bracket]] Tortoises each island and against mainland species, & ? [[Oldabra?]] [[/Bracket]] relative age of [[Warhols ??]] (one nearest ancestral type

Iguanas, marine diff species and [[?]]against one another and also mainland forms.

[[encircled]] One suppossed Indo pacifia types of marine invertebrates or near relatives of same[[/encircled]]

Iguana land [[?]]
geospezia & other birds again [[Trustine d'Amor?]] (& cocos [[?]] flamingo [[?]], Pelicans

[[double underline]]Oceanographic[[/double underline]]

Currents and water conditions from day to day, year to year, at several [[?]] stations. ( a check on Humbolt Current?
Tidal condition [[?]][[?]].

[[double underline]]Meteorological[[/double underline]]

[[?.[[?]], half way & on shore better on lee & windward sides of given isl.