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Boats-Gas-Tanks    Engineer
Sloop & motor diesel?
Winch--strikethrough[[ e [[/strikethrough]]---
Sonic Sd. down to 120-160 fms
[[right hand box]][[underline]] storage batteries[[/underline]]
Light plant
refrigeration ^sharp freezer^ or
else elect
[[double line ]]
[[double underline]]Ask Brame?[[/double underline]]

Temperature          Water bottles
salinity   [[underline]] titration?[[/underline]] anything to plot electric cell
oxygen content [[encircled]] Winkler[[/encircled]]
hydrogen ion [[strikethrough]]content [[/strikethrough]]concentration
dissolved phosphate  [[underline]] Atkins mod. method [[/underline]]
turbidity  Clarks photo electric cell
           Ewings camera
Seasonal variations at selected stations}
[[enboxed]] current meters [[/enboxed]] (have  3) same           
[[dittos for selected stations]]
[[double line]]
Weather Bureau "cages" & instruments
               one at sea level one half way up and at top.