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Maintenance and salaries


Scientific staff (Director and 3-4 assistants; one assistant should be clerk-stenographer [secretary]; one vacancy to be held for one of more specially invited visiting investigators if need be; one or two scientific assistants for or to assist with special lines of research, one oceanographer at least) ... $10,000 - $12,000

Weather man (there is possibility of Weather Bureau detailing man for job; if so, subsistence only) ...

One or two Ecuadorian scientists (if one, lodging and subsistence only; if two, no cost) ...

Operating personnel (5-6) ... 9,000
Captain or mate
One or two deck hands or launch men
Mess boy (also attends rooms)
? Janitor service and ground keepers (one or two Ecuadorians)

Subsistence for 8-1[[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]]^[[2]] ... 6,000

Fuel, upkeep of boats, repairs ... 8,000 - 10,000

Travel and miscellaneous ... [[underlined]] 2,000 [[/underlined]]

$35,000 - $39,000

^[[supplies - [[underlined]] 750-2,000 [[/underlined]]]]