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from 4.20 April 15 to 7 a.m. April 16 1 inch water in st. side can with 5 3/4 in [[/bracket]]inside dia. opening. 
"Oven-fresh Saltines by Keebler"
Net wt. 16 oz.
Keebler Weyl Baking Co. Phila. Pa."
Awning 12 wide one end
9 wide other
perhaps 40-50 feet long
yielded young says 200 gall water 12^30 to 6 p.m.

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April 15
fresh water in a. m
near lagoon
[[double line]]
saved a canteen of it.
Had rained as much or more from 12^30 or 1 p.m. to 4^20