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#1 roll Brownsville     A 1/2 [[?]]
[[marginal note]][[underlined]]Mar.30
1941[[/underlined]][[/marginal note]]

#5 & 6 Clouds respect. f16;f11, 1/50
First 4 on ground at Brownsville airport
= f cu. 9  1/50

Tampico [[left curly bracket]]F8 1/50 Very hot &
warm.   # 6, 7 or 8
#9  F8 1/50  #11 ditto
F12  1/100 across top of clouds
ears popping all the while
[[strikethrough]]14,000 up[[/strikethrough]]! This height was at 2.46p.m.
#12 = F 11  1/100?
Mts in clouds in distance
Mex. plateau land high & dry
Air bumpy
[[wavy line halfway across page]]
[[underlined]]Insert from [[strikethrough]]pre[[/strikethrough]]next page [[/underlined]]

[[marginal note]]Met D. F. = #13[[/marginal note]]

Two pictures ^[[#14 +15]] of irrigated land
 after leaving airport Mex. D. F. 
F8  1/50 looking down on ground hazy but did not use filter as on most others
Snow capped Mt to left on Southward journey   Mts  F8  1/100
[[wavy line across page]]
Through passengers should pass thru sep. wicket to save time. Would  help picture taking and resturant business too.
[[wavy line across page]]
2.45  14,000 feet up; and I believe I felt it cold too in plaes had to shut off air vents; erodeded hills in valleys; much weathered craters 
Lower ones cultivated on inside as well as outside slopes; I thought I got a bit dizzy, a wee bit
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