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Rd trip to Miami:      101.22
 "  " M. to Balboa     216.00

8th June 8 taxi Mus ^[[from]] State  
Dept.                     .35[[checkmark]]           
9th Bus. (Miami) to hotel .75[[checkmark]]  
Hotel to airport [[strikethrough]] pd 1.00 [[/strikethrough]]
legal tariff.             .75[[checkmark]]
9th Balboa Films        10.00[[checkmark]]
10th Taxi consul          .45[[checkmark]]
to Ecuad. Ministry        .45[[checkmark]]
to U.S. Embassy           .30[[checkmark]]
[[strikethrough]] back to Ecuad. [[/strikethrough]] out. ok.[[right arrow]].25 [[checkmark]]
to Balboa                  .45[[checkmark]]
[[strikethrough]] 10th Taxi from Ecuad. ministry and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[6 flashlight batteries]]     .30[[checkmark]]
[[strikethrough]]10h [[/strikethrough]] afternoon
Taxi to Ecuad embassy & ret..90[[checkmark]]
Letter no good.             [[strikethrough]43 [[/strikethrough]] 1470
[[line across page]]

[[right curly bracket]] Air mail postagg
Wet. 4    60
Bryant 2  30 
McCain 2  [[underlined]] 15 [[/underlined]]
          [[underlined]] 10 [[/underlined]]
Shoena 1    5 [[/right curly bracket]]

18 Wet. special del.
July 19. taxi to dock
Mt. Hope to Balboa

[[numbers listed on right]]
[[strikethrough]] 90 [[/strikethrough]]
[[double underlined]] 1.40 [[/double underlined]]\3 85
[[underlined]] 14.70 [[/underlined]]
[[double underlined]] 18.55 [[/double underlined]]
[[underlined]] 220 [[/underlined]]
[[?]] 0