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Apr. 7th [[underlined]] afternoon [[/underlined]]
At Wreck Bay!
Tcnel Meneses / Peñaherrera
Territorial Chief
San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands
[Interpretor] F Polanco
Dr. José Ribadeneira
Mrs. Karin Gulberg de Cobos

Dr. first went ashore with bill of health and after his return rest of us wen ashore & called on [[governor?]] 
Pineapple, bananas whiskey.
Took several pictures of group. 
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Got bottom [[?]] sample off Blanch beach in 25 fms.
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Bet. old town and present governors place is esturary & bar with stream through it which at high tide can't be crossed without boat; Low tide can walk over bar & jump whats left of water outlet channel.  [[left bracket]] Sand commentary on ids when you put on wet shoes and socks of [[/left bracket]]of morning trip to go ashore because you know you are going to get wet.
//At Villamil Subteniente Reinso.
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Apr. 8 Luis Paredes Capt at Acad Bay.
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//At Floreana Capt Humberto Gordón