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[[insert]]from every head[[/insert]] some worse than others./ Tomorrow April 4th arrive off Salinas for some survey works & to take oil to La Libertad; just one day only; but we'll get a chance to get off a few letters; but little else. As in all navy outfits we have movies each night; Saw "The City or Big City last night, and "Alias the Deacon" tonight. Was funny, a gambler who unwittingly does a lot of good in a small country town with money he gets away from the wicked town banker etc.
And now after movies I am winding up this scrawl // Got the first eleven drift bottles fixed up for casting over board the day we leave Ecuador one each noon position until the 24 are over. Hope I get some returns from them. What haven't I covered, that you want to know about? Coming down air plane certainly cramped my style as I have no