Viewing page 213 of 270

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Acad Bay Water

[[circled]] 3 [[/end circle]] Spring #1
[[large bracket]]
Salinity [[underline]] 38 [[/underline]] gr. per gal. 
Alkalinity none
Hardness 11.40 gr. per gal.
[[/end large bracket]]
[[line across page]]
[[circled]] 4 [[/end circle]]
[[large bracket]]
S: 41 gr. per gal.
A: none
H. 10.8
[[/end bracket]]
[[line across page]]
Freshwater Bay
[[circled]] 1 [[/end circle]]
[[large bracket]]
S  0.3 or less
A  none.
H  0.9 gr.
[[/end bracket]]
[[line across page]]
[[circled]] 2 [[/end circle]]
[[large bracket]]
Picking Falls
S  0.3 or less
A  none
H. 3.0 grains
[[line across page]]
[[circle]] 5 [[/end circle]]
[[large bracket]]
Cocos Stream
S  0.2
A  0.02
H. 0.5

Transcription Notes:
I wasn't sure whether, in this case, we should include all of the calculations done on the side of the page. -- Angie